On this page you will find details about the publications that we have for sale and an order form.

A comprehensive book on Granite Belt flora which includes keys, species descriptions and images for over 900 species of native plants found on the Granite Belt area of southern Qld.
A5 - 550 pp
Book price: $50.00
Shipping (on its own): $10.00
Weight: 1200gms
This book contains a collection of fact sheets from the EUCLID CD that describe the features and full descriptions of 34 Eucalyptus spp., two Angophora spp. and one Corymbia sp that occur on the Granite Belt.
A5 - 220 pp
Book price: $30.00
Shipping (on its own): $10.00
Weight: 450gms
Click on the button to download a book review by Tim Low, published in the Autumn publication of Wildlife Australia magazine.
This book contains a collection of line drawings from the World Wide Wattle web database, and couples them with images of each of the 60 Acacia species that occur on the Granite Belt part of southern Queensland and surrounding districts. The book includes full descriptions of each species including localities.
A5 - 170 pp
Book price: $30.00
Shipping (on its own): $10.00
Weight: 420gms
This booklet Includes even more pictures of the most commonly encountered wildflower species on the Granite Belt. A perfect companion to the wildflower walks we conduct each spring.
A5 - 25 pp
Book price: $5.00
Shipping (on its own): $5.00
Weight: 50gms

This book contains useful tips when planning for a burn in the New England Tableland bioregion of Queensland.
A5 - 120 pp
Book price: $10.00
Shipping (on its own): $5.00
Weight: 150gms

This booklet comprises a list only, of names of plant species that occur in the Granite Belt area of southern Qld. Includes names of plants that occur in Girraween National Park, and Passchendaele and Broadwater State Forests.
A4 - 47 pp
Not available as a hard copy
PDF price: $5:00
You will be sent a PDF file after payment has been received.

This booklet comprises a list only, of names of plant species that occur in the Traprock area of southern Qld. Includes names of plants that occur in Durikai State Forest and Sundown National Park.
A4 - 56 pp
Not available as a hard copy
PDF price: $5:00
You will be sent a PDF file after payment has been received.
This booklet includes species descriptions and habitat management information for nine of the priority rare and threatened species on the Granite Belt.
A4 - 32 pp
Book price: $5.00
Shipping (on its own): $5.00
Weight: 150gms
Some of these publications are also available for purchase and collection from:
Stanthorpe Print 'n' Copy
Maryland St, Stanthorpe
Gracious Giving
Maryland St, Stanthorpe
Stanthorpe Visitor Information Centre
Leslie Parade, Stanthorpe
Bluebird Living
New England Highway, Glen Aplin
Ballandean Store
New England Highway, Ballandean
Queensland Museum Bookstore
Granite Borders Landcare
45 Martin Street, Tenterfield NSW