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Pg128 Eucalyptus dalveenica (Dalveen Blue Box) leaves buds - Image Ian Milinovich.JPG

About Eucalyptus dalveenica surveys

Eucalyptus dalveenica, or Dalveen Blue Box, is a new species discovered by Tim Collins and colleagues from the NCW Beadle Herbarium at the University of New England (NSW) and reported in a study published recently in Australian Systematic Botany. The new species is supported as distinct from related E. magnificata and E. baueriana in analyses of morphological, phytochemical and molecular characters. Eucalyptus dalveenica is only known from one site near Dalveen, Queensland.


Through survey work we are increasing our knowledge about their population size and trends, distribution and threats. Members of the consortium have agreed to survey, promote and, where it occurs on public land, manage the habitat of this rare grevillea. 


The aims of the project are to:


  • assess the size and distribution of population of Eucalyptus dalveenica on the Granite Belt.

  • identify and document the impact of threats (eg weed invasion, plant removal, drought impacts and clearing).

  • undertake threat removal activities.

  • assess annual recruitment rates.

  • encourage land managers to mitigate threats through habitat management.


The project is being led by the consortium, and consortium members are participating in surveys and monitoring. 


Please email if you know the locations of additional Eucalyptus dalveenica plants on your property or would like to participate in these activities.


Eucalyptus dalveenica surveying in action

Pg143a Eucalyptus dalveenica.JPG
Pg18 E. dalveenica.JPG
Pg128 Eucalyptus dalveenica (Dalveen Blue Box) leaves buds - Image Ian Milinovich.JPG

Images of Eucalyptus dalveenica




c/- PO Box 863, Stanthorpe Queensland 4380


07 4683 6374


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